Senior Grand Warden

R∴W∴ Haskell R. Vest, Jr.
Senior Grand Warden's Message

My Brothers.

Thank you for electing me to serve this year as your Senior Grand Warden. I look forward to traveling around our great state attending Lodges and fellowshipping with you all.

The Grand Masters message of leadership, accountability, and commitment is a powerful one. We as Masons should strive to attend our Lodges and be of help in all these areas. Your time is precious and your experience in a Lodge is particularly important. With your help we can stem the tide of diminishing membership and start a new era in our Fraternity.

Your Grand Lodge Officers are very dedicated to helping with any issues that may concern you. Please reach out and contact us for help.

Once again, thank you. I am profoundly grateful and humbled for this opportunity to serve our great Fraternity another year.


Sincerely and fraternally,

R∴W∴ Haskell R. Vest, Jr.

Senior Grand Warden